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Happy New Year

Happy New Year’s Eve, friends. For some, 2014 was an amazing year filled with tremendous blessing and joy. For others, 2014 was a struggle unlike any other. If you’re ready to kick 2014 to the curb, and if you would like to do so by taking a stand against...

Dairy Cow & Micro-Finance

We are beyond excited that the funds have been raised to provide a micro-finance loan to ladies in the village to purchase a dairy cow. This will provide much-needed protein to children in the village as well as income opportunities for these widows. (We will share a...

Sidewalk Sale Thank You

Thanks so much to those of you who worked, donated, priced, and prayed for our sidewalk sale last weekend. It was a tremendous success and we couldn’t have done it without your help!

Mother’s Day Memorial

This Mother’s Day, why not give a gift that will positively impact the life of a girl who has no mother while honoring your own. With your $25 minimum donation we will send you a 5×7 Mother’s Day Card for you to give to your own mom (or to keep if...

“Happy Birthday” Fundraiser

Two very special girls are turning 4 on March 4 and we have a great way to help them celebrate. Kenzy and Kacey are in the process of being adopted, and their family is raising funds to cover the legal and travel expenses to get them to the US from Kenya. Take Heart,...