Meet Marcellina Wasoga….from Pastor Joshua

by | Jul 10, 2013

Praises and glory be to Lord Jesus Christ for every occasion he has given us to exalt him. The picture attached is a widow named Marcellina Wasoga. The life she lives has really touched many in this community. You can see the house that she stays in. This not hers; it was given to her by a well-wisher and it leaks. Mercellina as no children to take care of her and  is having eye sight problems. Getting food is a problem so she depends on good Samaritans to get something to eat. My prayer is that the Take Heart Project to give any support for her when God provides.
I am planning to take her on July 16 for eye surgery if God provides since there are mobile doctors coming once annually in the government hospital. Marcellina does not know how old she is, but I think she is over 80.
Please pray for her.
Yours in Christ.
Pastor Joshua.

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