Become a student Sponsor Today
Transform a Life for Just $42/Month

Pius, Age 11
Pius is a natural leader, inspiring those around him through his resilience and optimism. He loves to play soccer and if he had to choose a favorite subject, it'd be math.

Quinter, Age 6
Quinter was born into a family of resilient women. At 6 years old she loves making friends and going to school.

Moses, Age 9
Moses is a resilient 9-year-old with dreams of becoming an engineer. His favorite hobbies include, dancing, singing, and playing soccer.

Steve, Age 13
Steve has a passion for helping others. He dreams of one day becoming a doctor after experiencing first hand the health challenges in his community.

Caleb, Age 14
Caleb is focused on his education and dreams of becoming and engineer. When he's not at school he can be found playing soccer with friends.

Austine, Age 15
Austine hopes of creating a better life for his family and community through becoming an engineer.
What Your $42 Covers
Every child deserves the chance to reach their full potential. But for many, access to quality education is a distant dream. Your sponsorship can bridge that gap. For just $42 a month, you can provide a child with the tools they need to succeed: uniforms, books, and essential school supplies. You’ll also be supporting monthly food donations for their family and access to critical healthcare services. Give the gift of opportunity. Give the gift of opportunity. Click on a child’s photo to sponsor them today and join their journey of learning.