Become a student Sponsor Today

Transform a Life for Just $42/Month

Pius, 11

Pius, 11

Moses, 9

Moses, 9

Caleb, 14

Caleb, 14

Steve, 13

Steve, 13

Caitlyn, 12

Caitlyn, 12

Samantha, 9

Samantha, 9

Shem, 9

Shem, 9

Quinter, 6

Quinter, 6

Austin, 15

Austin, 15

Roney, 11

Roney, 11

Peter, 11

Peter, 11

Elizabeth, 11

Elizabeth, 11

What Your $42 Covers

Every child deserves the chance to reach their full potential. But for many, access to quality education is a distant dream. Your sponsorship can bridge that gap. For just $42 a month, you can provide a child with the tools they need to succeed: uniforms, books, and essential school supplies. You’ll also be supporting monthly food donations for their family and access to critical healthcare services. Click on a child’s photo to sponsor them today and join their journey of learning.

relational Support

Food Assistance

Tuition Fees

School Supplies

School Uniforms

Health Insurance